Hiring: This setting indicates that you already have a project and arelooking for partners. Private: Your profile is only visible for your contacts. ","warnVisibilityAdvertsGoneTitle":"Postings will be deactivated","warnVisibilityAdvertsGoneTxt":"By changing your status, you will deactivate all of your postings. Do you want to continue?"},"nickname":{"title":"Nickname","txt":"This name will be displayed on the platform, e.g. in your profile."},"slogan":{"title":"Slogan","txt":"A slogan can be a sentence or a few words that best describes your person."},"skill":{"title":"Skills","txt":"Add your most important skills. There is a maximum of {{count}} skills."},"field":{"title":"Choose your Sector","txt":"In which industry would you like to work? If you do not have a preference, choose the industry where you have the most experience."},"impactField":{"title":"Choose your Impact Field","txt":"The impact field is the field in which you want to have an impact."},"position":{"title":"Choose your aspired position","txt":"Select the position in which you want to work."},"language":{"title":"Languages","txt":"Select the languages that you speak."},"groupAffiliation":{"title":"Group Affiliation","txt":"Which group do you belong to?"},"aboutYou":{"title":"More About You","txt":"The more you write, the more likely you are to find your ideal project or partner"},"education":{"title":"Education","txt":"Add an education of yourself. This might help other people to understand your skills, interests, ..."},"experience":{"title":"Experience","txt":"Add your experiences. This might help other people to understand your skills, interests, ..."},"shortDescription":{"title":"Short description","txt":"Add a short description about yourself."}},"project":{"visibility":{"title":"Visibility","txt":"Active: Your posting is visible and matched to active profiles. Private: Your posting is only visible to you."},"slogan":{"title":"Slogan","txt":"A slogan is a phrase that expresses the aim or nature of the project."},"skill":{"title":"Skills","txt":"Add the most important skills your new partner should have. There is maximum of {{count}} skills."},"field":{"title":"Choose your Sector","txt":"In which sector does your project belong to?"},"impactField":{"title":"Choose your Impact Field","txt":"The impact field is the field in which your project wants to make an impact."},"position":{"title":"Choose the new position","txt":"Select the position in which your new partner should to work."},"internPosition":{"title":"Choose the new position","txt":"Select the position in which your new partner should to work."},"language":{"title":"Languages","txt":"Select your preferred languages."},"projectStage":{"title":"Project stage","txt":"At which stage is your project at the moment?"},"pageUrl":{"title":"Website link","txt":"Here you can add a link to your homepage."},"shortDescription":{"title":"Short description","txt":"Visitors want to know more about your project before they will contact you."},"additionalInfo":{"title":"additional informations","txt":"The more you write, the higher the chances to find the ideal partner for your project."}},"advert":{"payment":{"title":"Payment","txt":"If desired, a payment can be specified"},"shares":{"title":"Shares","txt":"This could be a good additional motivation!"}},"popups":{"activateMatching":{"title":"Activate Matching","txt":"In order to use the favourite list you need to activate matching.","url":"Go to matching page"}},"favouritingPopup":{"title":"Select posting","txt":"Profiles are favourited to one of your postings and an posting needs to be selected.","txtCreateProject":"To select a posting you need to have a project first. Do you want to create a project?","txtCreateAdvert":"You do not have any postings at the moment. If you want to create an posting now, please select the project for which you want to create an posting for?","txtSelectAdvert":"Please select one of your postings from the list below."},"imgEditor":{"title":"Upload Image","imgName":"Image Name","imgSize":"Image Size","zoom":"Zoom Factor","storage":"Storage","info":"Depending on the size of the image, uploading may take a while.","warningMaxFileSize":"The image size must not exceed {{count}} MB!","imgLinked":"Link images during editing","viewDesktop":"View on desktop","viewMobile":"View on mobile"},"downloads":"Downloads","documents":"Documents","documentsPopup":{"txt":"Here, you can add documents for others to download:"},"example":"Example","visitWebsite":"Visit website","delContact":{"title":"Disconnect","txt":"Do you really want to disconnect from this contact? All messages with this contact will be deleted."},"tooltipMlRating":"Compatibility rating: {{count}}/5"},"common.layout":{"onboarding":"Onboarding","findCoFounder":"Find Team Mates","joinProject":"Join Projects","company":"About","register":"Sign up","login":"Login","toggler":{"myProjects":"My projects","dashboard":"Dashboard","profile":"Profile","connections":"Connections","chats":"Chats","feedback":"Contact Us","onboarding":"Onboarding","settings":"Settings","logout":"Logout","lookingFor":"Looking for","coFounder":"Co-Founder","projects":"Projects","contacts":"Contacts"},"chatTabs":{"messages":"Messages"},"exampleHeader":{"homeLink":"Go back to homepage","dashboardLink":"Go back to the project overview","profile1":"Use this profile as an example of how it could look like","profile2":"Make the most of your profile","profileLink1":"Go back to the profile wizard","project1":"Use this project as an example of how it could look like","project2":"Make the most of your project","projectLink1":"Go back to the project wizard","advert1":"Use this posting as an example of how it could look like","advert2":"Make the most of your posting","advertLink1":"Go back to the posting wizard"},"bell":{"newNotficiations":"You have new notifications!"},"quickNavSearch":{"search":"Search","project":"Project","advert":"Posting","adverts":"Postings","profile":"Profile","profiles":"Profiles","enterSearch":"Please enter your search"}},"common.popups":{},"common.stagesCompany":{"stages":[{"name":"Not specified","value":"-1","details":[""]},{"name":"Idea Stage","value":"0","details":["First Idea","Business Model"]},{"name":"Proof of Concept","value":"1","details":["Project Partners","Business Plan","Talked to Potential Customers"]},{"name":"Prototype","value":"2","details":["Customer Testing Prototype","Customer Feedback Adjustments"]},{"name":"Go-to-Market","value":"3","details":["Product Finished","Increasing Customer Base","First Revenues"]},{"name":"Scale","value":"4","details":["Increasing Revenues","Increasing Customer Base"]}]},"common.survey":{"thankYou":"Thanks for your feedback!","choicesInfo":"(Please choose one of the options below)","surveyMay2023":{"question1":{"question":"Was the onboarding process intuitive for you?","choices":["Yes","Could be better","No"]},"question2":{"question":"How did you find out about our platform? Please choose one of the options listed.","choices":["Social media (LinkedIn, Facebook …)","Via an event (Entrepreneurship Avenue, …)","University","Networks or incubator (Science Park, ECN, Social Business Hub, …)","Others"]},"question3":{"question":"How often do you visit our platform?","choices":["Several times a week","About once a week","About once a month","Less than once a month","Only when I receive a notification by mail"]},"question4":{"question":"Would you recommend this platform to others?","choices":["Yes, definitely","Perhaps","Not yet"]},"question5":{"question":"How user-friendly do you think our platform is?","choices":["Easy to use","Could be better","Not very user-friendly"]},"question6":{"question":"How satisfied are you with the technical support?","choices":["Very satisfied","It is ok, but could be better","Not very satisfied"]},"question7":{"question":"How satisfied are you with the matching?","choices":["Works very well","It is ok","Could be better","Have not used it yet"]}}},"common.updates":{"update0":{"title":"Important Update","txt":"To enhance the user experience, we have made a number of changes. These include merging certain fields, such as short description with description. Please check your entries and adjust them in a way that you are satisfied! ","dear":"Dear {{name}},","content":"In order to keep things clear, there will only be one text passage for description in every profile, project and posting in future. Below you can directly edit your texts.\\n\\nThank you for your understanding! ","profileTitle":"Profile text field","profileTxt":"We combined the fields short description and about me. Please, edit the text passage in a way that you are satisfied.","projectTitle":"Project {{name}} - Text Field","projectTxt":"We combined the fields short description and description. Please, edit the text passage in a way that you are satisfied."}},"pages.login":{"pageTitle":"Login","title":"Continue your Journey","login":"Login","forgottenPwd":"Forgot Password?","enterEmail":"Enter e-mail","backToLogin":"Back to login","sendCode":"Send code","checkMail":"Please check your e-mail for the password reset, we've sent on this address.","noAccount":"Don’t have an account yet? Register here","btnLogin":"Login","checkTitle":"Please check your inbox","checkEntries":"Check entries","sendAgain":"Send again"}}};window.initialLanguage = "en";Rising Ideas